Property Link has a network of Chartered Building Surveyors operating across the UK and we can quickly arrange a “ Survey & Valuation” for you that will help you arrive at a more informed decision when you are purchasing your most important financial asset. Our Chartered Surveyors have been carrying out surveys and valuations for in excess of 20 years and you can now have the benefit of experience and knowledge to help you make the most profitable decision of your life.
Property Link being an independent company remains completely impartial and our advice to our clients is based purely on their best interests. Speed of service and the integrity of our reporting is essential to all our clients and all Surveyors are covered by a fully operative Professional Indemnity Scheme.
The Homebuyer Survey and Valuation
A Home buyer survey is designed in a very standard format and is aimed specifically as an economical and cost effective service
Particular types of homes are targeted that include houses, bungalows and flats which are:
Conventional in type and construction Apparently in reasonable condition
Homebuyer Survey and valuation focuses on essentials: faults and problems which are immediate or significant which may have an overall effect on the value of the Property – although it also includes much other valuable matters
Since the nature of the survey there may be practical limitations on type of properties and on the scope of its coverage, the Homebuyer Service is priced mid-range – more expensive than a Mortgage Valuation, but less than a Building Survey.
Property Link has qualified surveyor and the main aim in providing the service is to assist and help homebuyer to:
Make a reasoned and informed judgement on whether or not to proceed with the purchase;
Assess and decide what would be a reasonable purchase price for the Property;
Be precise and clear what decisions and actions should be taken before contracts are exchanged
The Survey also gives a professional opinion on the particular features of the Property which affect its present value and may affect its future resale.